As I roll through, organize and recalculate real world stuff-I continue to plan on getting several projects off the ground, restarted or continued (some of which are personal and vital to my personal growth and progress).
I have too many ideas for series' of art, but I'm slowly setting up to get 3 (yes 3) different series going....well, possibly 4.
2 have been in the works since I started this studio out of my Mom's basement (according to her I own most of the basement with the help of my past checks aiding in the house getting paid off. That happened in 2013, a few months before the floods.....which the house survived). One is literal to the studio....each piece containing a broken crown. The other involves ice the subject, not as the medium. Mom's Basement Studios was a concept for my art studios name. Fun fact.
2 are fairly new. I'll show an example of each through pictures.

Mash up of animals, spirituality, etc. This is just one version of an elephant. Sparked by a visit to Meow Wolf as well as part of therapy getting through my first year of being divorced, so some pieces might never be seen.

Concept/idea I have actually had for an extremely long time. Tons of ideas through out those years. Different styles, poses, etc. Various themes, moods, etc.
As I typed the above, I got 3 more ideas......multi-tasking brain.
I realize I have a long road ahead of me. Building what I can with social media, word of mouth, etc. But I am stoked and optimistic to what's to come. More will be posted in the gallery, and the like. But first, there is a toilet that needs to be cleaned.