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Writer's pictureCasey Hines


It is sad when a creative mind resorts to question marks for a title. Tends to happen when your last blog was a farewell, yet you have much more to say. Plus, such a cliche!

I have been faced with several challenges in my life. Past few years have been hell, but keeping me from any type of demise or complete defeat have been my 2 daughters. I am forever grateful and in debt to their mom for bringing them into this world. I'm even thankful to her, despite ending things like she did, because it has truly tested me as an artist and a human being.

I have tried to sell my art through this site and Etsy......not too successful. I even marked things off, offered deals, etc. I thought this website would help propel my art as a whole. I want to hang on to my URL, but feel I need to take a few steps back. Start putting more effort into Instagram posts, applying to expos, exhibitions and festivals. Better yet, keep the site, close the shop and build interest through social media (have sold the most of my art through that anyway).

Different things work for different people. I know my audience is out there.

So, for now, I'm concentrating on finishing some overdue projects, documenting my journey for "content", getting a more construct base for it all as a business and self-therapy, doing more for me (art wise, etc.), keeping the mutual influence going on between my daughters and I, keeping on this highroad, and generally living and moving forward.

As for the current future of this site........I got until August of 2023 to figure that out. For now, I'll keep doing my best to keep it up and building on.

Until another time, Good or bad-find a way to keep going forward!!!

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